3-1/4" Olympic Style Medals on 1-1/2" Wide Neck Ribbons | 1st 2nd 3rd
Olympic Style Medals are Extra Large, Heavy, and Prestigious. These are sure to turn heads at any Competition or Special Event. You can customize these with 3 or 4 short lines of Free Engraving!
Overall Size: 3-1/4" Extra Long 38" Neck Ribbons
Choose Place:
| 1st PLACE | 2nd PLACE | 3rd PLACE | VICTORY |
** VICTORY Medal is Available in Gold, Silver, or Bronze with any of the 4 Neck Ribbon colors upon request. **
- Click to View All Styles of PLACE MEDALS
**Input your Desired Engraving in the Item Engraving Box above, if you have a list of several and emailing is easier, just type "Emailing" in the Box or "None" if no engraving is required.**
**Engraving is done on the Back Side**
Contact us for Special Pricing on Larger Quantities (25 or More). Please Email Us for more information.