LA Trophies - Large Size Plaques with Solid Color Plate and GOLD Engraving - 9x12, 10.5x13 | 5 PLATE COLORS
When you need Larger size plaques to Recognize or show Appreciation these Gold Lettered Plaques are a great way to do it. We can design the perfect plaque for any event or occasion!
Choose Plaque Size and Plate Color:
10.5" x 13" - GOLD ENGRAVING
** Plaques are made Portrait Style unless Landscape is Requested **
Appreciation, Recognition, Outstanding Service, Dedication, Team Awards, School Awards, Church Awards, Every Occasion
Plaques are Individually Boxed
Price Includes Engraving up to 180 Characters and a Logo - See Artwork Requirements If your engraving exceeds 180 characters or you are wanting a Large Quantity please Email Us first for a custom quote.